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Sweet Lenny... A letter for you 13 Juil 2008 01:02 #25766

  • Wanna
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Maybe one day will come and you'll visit our forum and you'll read this message... That I gonna make as clear and short as possible!

So I don't know how to begin :rolleyes:
Maybe I should start by telling you that you are the most amazing guy I've ever seen. You are the first man who can speak about love so often, so easily, so clearly and truly. It's simply incredible! How can't a woman help falling in love with you?
You make my life so full of love, of hope and serenity about the future. I was not able to imagine that at 20 years old only, I'll be on such a spiritual way... And it's thanks to you.
I don't think your music saved my life, but I can say that it makes my life sweeter, and it raises my soul so much, you can't imagine!
I have never been ok with a singer about every songs he mades, you are the only one... So I wonder how it's possible? What link is there? I feel your sensibilty about what is all around you, it's marvellous and so sweet to feel I'm not alone to be so sensitive.

I'd just like to thank you for what you are, what you make, your energy, your emotions, your sensibility, and your love... Because we can't live without love and thanks to you, I know that I can find the love I need whenever and wherever because your love transcends all space and time.

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Sweet Lenny... A letter for you 13 Juil 2008 07:54 #25798

  • AbsolutelyAddicted
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Lenny just called me and he wants to thank you very much ! :D

He loves his fans and would never been who he is without them.:love:

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Sweet Lenny... A letter for you 15 Juil 2008 13:30 #26152

  • Wanna
  • Portrait de Wanna Auteur du sujet
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If only I could be true!
But I don't loose hope to tell him what I've written in this letter :)

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