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Hors Ligne
Messages : 5829
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Alez , exercez votre anglais ..;:P
For so many years, we have heard about this mythical recording studio that musician Lenny Kravitz would be building inside the tony Miami Beach hotel, The Setai.
But we never really believed this studio would come to fruition, especially not after Lenny made the rounds as a hotel lounge designer.
Yet we were wrong to have doubted Kravitz. The digital and analog recording studio created by Kravitz Design :coeur: , inc. has opened. It's official name is the Setai Recording Studio and it's located in a two-floor penthouse suite in hotel, complete with ocean views and private outdoor patio.
The studio exemplifies the serene Asian tone that defines The Setai with cast bronze, textured slate, and rich teak woods. Kravitz Design combines these elements with high concept vintage furniture, plush wool shag carpeting and custom hand-screened wallpaper to create an unexpected environment that is elegant, warm and luxurious :love:
For those of you who are actually concerned about the technology in the studio, :grat: the 2,500 sq.ft . space has a Solid State Logic C-200 Digital Console and ATC monitors. There are two "live" rooms, a vocal booth, control room, lounge and conference rooms. The studio also has 5.1 high-definition audio and can be used for both film and video shoots.
The studio will have its own director and chief engineer, Matt Knobel. And unbeknownst to us, Timbaland, Chris Cornell, Mary J Blige, Jay Z and Cat Power have already spent time recording there.
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Hors Ligne
Membre platinium
Messages : 4099
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ca a l'air trop class tt ce que j'aime nivo deco un melange d'asiat' et vintage ,la class!
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Membre platinium
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ahhhhh g vu le canapé clob en cuir brun ds le coin là (je suis fan , c mon reve d'en avoir un !lol)!!lenny tu es mon hero! design avec nous notre futur appart'! :love:
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Membre platinium
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Wahou, ça a l'air d'être méga classe, assez hallucinant!!!!
Je suis sûr que Lenny va tous nous inviter là-bas! Le rêve, n'importe quoi...:clic:
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Membre platinium
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Ouais t'as raison, c'est du n'importe quoi ! *lol*
C'est classe, très mâle, très bien...
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Membre platinium
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Une photo du studio de Lenny à Setai (Miami) :
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Hors Ligne
Membre platinium
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son studio aux bahamas est plus "cosy"
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Hors Ligne
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Je pense d'ailleurs qu'ils doivent etre dans le Setaï studio actuellement ^^
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:top: :hardrock: :hardrock:
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Toujours pas reçu d'invit' moi... :.(
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