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Warning: Declaration of KunenaBbcodeLibrary::DoURL($bbcode, $action, $name, $default, $params, $content) should be compatible with Nbbc\BBCodeLibrary::doURL(Nbbc\BBCode $bbcode, $action, $name, $default, $params, $content) in /home/lkfrench/www/libraries/kunena/bbcode/bbcode.php on line 525

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Photography in Lenny's concerts in France 03 Aoû 2008 13:41 #28910

  • Alli
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I'd like to ask you how strict are the organizers about taking photographs in Lenny's concerts in France? Is it absolutely forbidden to take a camera with you? I know many smuggle in a compact pocket size camera or use their phone cameras (like we did), of course, but how about taking a SLR camera?

I thought that it would be more liberal in France than in Finland but then I noticed the restrictions on Zenith Strasbourg site

And if it is forbidden, how would it be possible to get a permit for taking photographs?

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Photography in Lenny's concerts in France 03 Aoû 2008 17:04 #28916

  • nanaweb
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Hi Alli , during the two last concerts in Paris in june and july , it was forbidden to use the camera for movies , but allowed for pictures , and the same with mobile phones :)

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Photography in Lenny's concerts in France 03 Aoû 2008 20:40 #28923

  • Fred
  • Portrait de Fred
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pictures, but without using flash...

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