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Auteur du sujet
Hors Ligne
Messages : 5829
Remerciements reçus 289
Lenny will be doing a LIVE chat here on his Facebook wall , 12/15 at 5pm PST. Submit your questions now as a comment , and Lenny might answer your question! -TeamLK
Lenny sera sur facebook aujourd'hui jeudi 15 décembre à 17h pour vous répondre en direct .Tentez votre chance et posez votre question (postez-la comme un commentaire) =)
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Hors Ligne
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Merci Nanaweb.... en espérant que ma question sera sélectionnée .
Je serais trop contente :coeur:
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Hors Ligne
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Merci !!! Mais attention, c'est 17h en PST (Pacific Standard Time), horaire de Los Angeles. Donc pour nous ce sera cette nuit à 2h du matin.
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Auteur du sujet
Hors Ligne
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Rine écrit: Merci !!! Mais attention, c'est 17h en PST (Pacific Standard Time), horaire de Los Angeles. Donc pour nous ce sera cette nuit à 2h du matin.
:ahhh: Rine , que ferions-nous sans toi ..... :top: mais oui :rolleyes: ...j'aurais dû y penser !!!!
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Hors Ligne
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Merci Rine pour l'info. . J'attendais depuis ......
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Pareil, à 17h j'étais sur la page et j'attendais que quelque chose arrive...je comprends mieux maintenant
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Hors Ligne
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Voici la retranscription des questions/réponses.
1) Question: Armando Biondo-Aguero: What is your favorite song to perform and that has the most meaning to you?
Let Love Rule because of the message is simple and direct. It's also the part of the concert where I go out into the audience with the people. No separation.
2) Question: Lyne Mercier: What exactly is a "Boongie drop"... ?
Boongie is the Bahamian word for "booty" so 'Boogie Drop' is a local style of dance.
3) Question: Seana Brown-Ward: What drives you the most?
My passion for music and art.
4) Question: Eugenia Calderon: when will you be back in Argentina?
I'm planning on a full South America tour end of 2012. Can't wait!
5) Question: Jamie Leanne Gaines: As a child what comic book hero did you admire most?
Batman, no doubt!
6)Q: Melanie Angel Martin: What is the inspiration behind the song "I Can't Be Without You" ?
That was a song I wrote to God
7) Patricia M Lopez: Lenny if you could meet anyone who would it be and why?
Jesus Christ, to get the answers
Q: Justin Huehn: Hi Lenny, You played all the instruments on Mama Said. Would you consider recording this way again or do you just do this to demo songs these days?
It's still how I record
9) Andy Matthews: Question: Lenny...is this really YOU? C'mon....you KNOW who this is...!!
It is! Is this really you?
10) Q: Lena Anderson: What was it like working with Prince?
Prince is an amazing artist. He can do anything. We just go where the inspiration takes us.
11) Q: Daniel Van Den Berg: When are you touring Australia?
This March! See you there
12) Q: Jason Holder: if you could record a song with anyone (dead or alive) who would be your choice?
Miles Davis. He was going to play a solo on the "Mama Said" album and passed shortly before the recording.
13) Q: José Leandro: I'm the kid with the glasses in the 4th grade class photo, I wore a red turtle neck. We wherein Mrs. Goldberg's class. My name is Jose Leandro. Do remember?
Oh my God! I completely remember you. Before you even said your name, I knew you from the description. I hope life is treating you well. I still stay in touch with Mrs Goldberg from time to time.
14) Q: Octavia Jude: How do you balance so many projects? Your life is so full and yet you still create so much.
I continuously rotate projects. One medium inspires the others. Therefore I don't lose inspiration or become tired of them.
15) Q: Cody Netherland: What is your favorite album of all time?
Stevie Wonder's "Innervisions"
16) Q: Sian Martin: and I'm the light skinned girl from London, remember me? ;-)
Sian! Someone will be contacting you shortly! Wow
17) Q: Elka Gonzalez: What's the first thing you think about when you wake up in the mornings?...
Thank God for another day
18) Q: Gloria Hache: Looking back on this past year what are you most grateful for?
The fact that I got to live another year doing exactly what I love
19) Q: Tammy Hester:
What is your favorite New Edition song?
Candy Girl! Of course!
20)Stacy Wexler: I really love your fashion sense! I live in Los Angeles, what's your favorite place to shop?
Church boutique on the corner of Santa Monica and Greenacre... they feature clothing, art and accessories from all over the world
21) Q: April DeWater Luiz: what book are you reading right now?
I just got Henry James' "The Turn Of The Screw"
22) Q: Hayley Wroot: What was your favorite part of playing Cinna in the hunger games
Portraying his compassion
23) Q: Angela Corley: whats the best advice your mom ever gave u?
To be exactly who I am
24) Q: Oviedo Veronica: a wish for 2012??
A little more peace and compassion, please.
Thank you all for your questions. Let's do it again sometimes. Let love rule. Lenny
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Snif ! il n'a pas répondu à la mienne ! :pleur:
Il faut dire qu'il y avait plus de 1000 demandes. Ce sera pour la prochaine fois.
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Rine écrit: Merci !!! Mais attention, c'est 17h en PST (Pacific Standard Time), horaire de Los Angeles. Donc pour nous ce sera cette nuit à 2h du matin.
cool ! J'ai donc toutes mes chances ! Nan, j'rigole… ;-) Merci pour l'info en tout cas !
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Hors Ligne
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Super mini-interview, de bonnes questions !
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