interview de Lenny
C'est en anglais ... demain je vous fais un recap mais deja petites infos devoilees, le pretit-fils d'Eliane Bettencourt a acheter deux oeuvres de Lenny, Lenny parle de son mentor .Jean-Baptiste Mondino.. projets de film pusique Lenny est en train de lire des scripts ...
la suite plus tard lol en attendant...
(traduction en resume , non mot pour mot)
PARIS — By turning the tables on paparazzi and fans, Lenny Kravitz shoots photographs he describes as “Fellini-esque.”
A selection of images from “Flash,” Kravitz’s book released this spring, are on display at Paris fashion emporium Colette until June 20, capturing the essence of what it’s like to be a rock star who’s constantly in the public eye.
Une selection d'images de livre FLASH sorti au printemps, sont exposées chez Colette á Paris, capturant l'essence de ce que cela est d'être dans la peau d'une rock star qui est constamment sous le regard du public.
“I discovered his photos this year. I really like what he does. I have been listening to his music for a long time. I bought two prints; I’ll put them in my home,” said Jean-Victor Meyers, Liliane Bettencourt’s grandson.
Donc la le petit fils de Liliane Bettencourt adore lenny depuis longtemps en tant que musicien et il a acheté deux photos qu'il va mettre chez lui...
He was among guests who turned out for the exhibition opening Monday night. Others included Jean-Baptiste Mondino, whom Kravitz describes as his photography mentor, and the stylist Catherine Baba.
le petit fils était un des invités pour le vernissage de lundi soir, ainsi que Jean-Baptiste Mondino, que Lenny décrit comme son mentor en photographie , ainsi que la stylist Catherine Baba
“I love it. It’s very William Klein-esque. But very actual, it’s a sign of the times,” said Baba.
Prices range between 900 and 7,700 euros, or $984 and $8,421 at current exchange, for the prints. Signed books published by teNeues are available for sale at Colette, as well as the two black lacquered Leica cameras from the limited edition called Correspondent that Lenny Kravitz, designed through his creative agency Kravitz Design. They are priced at 25 000 euros, or $27,342.
La fourchette de prix entre 900 et 7700 euros pour les impressions photos. livre signe dispo en vente chez Colette, et les deux appareil edition limited que Lenny a conçu avec son agence Kravitz Design - prix 25000 euros
WWD caught up with Kravitz, 51, who sported vintage denim, a vintage Yves Saint Laurent jacket, old native American jewelry from the Fifties and and Hermès ring. The musician, who lives between Paris and the Bahamas, spoke about photography, fashion and being a proud father.
WWD a rencontre Lenny
WWD: How did you start this project?
Comment le projet a commencé?
Lenny Kravitz: Initially, I wasn’t trying to do anything other than explore photography. I still want to paint, to do other things. I have always loved photography. Obviously, I have been shot by photographers for 25 years now and worked with the best photographers in the world. I got my camera get together; I was on tour, I decided on my days off and whenever I have time that I am going to explore [photography]. I would go outside but people would start come at me; it was disrupting my shooting. After several days of this happen, I decided to go with the flow because as an artist, we are given what we are given. I decided to turn that into the subject and shoot them. It can be a pain and disruptive; but instead of getting bothered by it, I began to like it. What I see in the photograph, it’s very Fellini-esque to me. When you take the time to see each character. I found it to be very deep and you see how funny, ridiculous, intense, beautiful it can be. After a couple of years of doing these, Jean-Baptiste Mondino — who is one of my favorite photographers and is family to me — saw the photographs and said these pictures should be my first exhibition.
Au debut il a pas essaye de faire autre chose que d'explorer la photographie. il a toujours aimé ca. Il a été photographié pendant plus de 25 ans, il a travaille avec les plus grands . Donc il a pris sa camera en tournée et a decider pendant ses jours de repos qu il allait explorer la photographie.Mais il était tout le temps perturbé par les gens dc après quelques jours il a décidé de faire avec et de tourner ce problème en un sujet et dc de photographier ces gens. et au lieu de se sentir perturbe il a commence a aime ca. Quand il prend le temps de regarder chaque personnage il a trouve ca très profond et on peut voir comment cela peut être marrant, ridicule, intense ou magnifique. après avoir passe 2 ans a faire cela, son ami jean-Baptiste Mondino lui a dit que ces photos devraient être sa 1ere exposition
WWD: So Jean-Baptiste Mondino is your mentor?
Dc JBM est votre mentor?
LK: Absolutely, as far as mentor goes, I have two: Jean-Baptiste Mondino and Mark Seliger, who took time to talk photography with me. Jean-Baptiste very early took on the technology. His style of the late Eighties and Nineties was emulated so much. He set the style. Mark Seliger shoots incredible portraits, beautiful landscapes and reportages; he’s a really well rounded photographer.
il a en deux en fait : JBM et Mark Seliger, qui a pris le temps de parler de photographie avec lui. En gros les deux mentors se complètent dans leur spécialités.(le 1er la technologie , le deuxième plus portrait paysage et reportage
WWD: Do you embrace technology?
Est ce que tu adheres a la technologie?
LK: To some extent, but I don’t go crazy with it. I shoot film and digital; this exhibition is shot on the Leica M9.
Pour certains cas oui mais il en est pas dingue, il photographie les deux film et digital, pour expo c'est un LEICA M9
WWD: It sounds like you are planning on pursuing photography.
Il semble que tu vas continuer la photographie?
LK: Absolutely. It’s just the beginning.
Absolument c'est que le debut!
WWD: And design as well?
et le design aussi ?
LK: I love design. Kravitz Design has been doing incredibly well with residences, hotels, furniture, products — not stores yet, one day, that might happen. We are working on a hotel in Toronto, furniture, a big project in the Bahamas at this huge place Baha Mar, we are doing a private house on the beach and doing the night club there.
il adore le design son agence marche incroyablement bien avec des residences, des meubles des produits... Pas de magasins encore mais peut être un jour. il travaille en ce moment sur un hotel a Toronto pour tes meubles , gros projet aux bahamas , maison privée sur plage et boite de nuit
WWD: What do you like to wear?
qu'aimes-tu porter?
LK: I wear a mix of vintage pieces. I like very much what Hedi [Slimane] is doing. I go to some shows, Saint Laurent mostly.
un melange de piece vintage, il aime hedi et va voir show de saint laurent
WWD: What is your daughter Zoë up to?
Quoi neuf pour Zoe?
LK: I can hear Lolawolf [Zoë Kravitz’s band] in the background [the playlist at the Colette event.] That’s cool! She is filming right now in the next “Divergent.” In between movies, she is on tour. She was here doing Afropunk, an alternative black music festival; they had it at [Paris concert hall] the Trianon.
il entend Lolawolf au fond de musique chez colette,. elle enregistre le prochain "divergent" et entre les films elle est en tournée
WWD: Have you seen “Mad Max: Fury Road” [the latest film where Zoë appears]?
As tu vu Mad Max? (avec ZOE)
LK: I saw it the morning it opened. I had a show that in Los Angeles, I got early in the morning and went to the first one in the morning in 3D. Very cool.
Je l'ai vu le matin de la sortie a LA il y est aller très tot le matin pour le voir en 3D .
WWD: What’s next for you?
Quelle est la suite pour toi?
LK: I am reading scripts and we’ll see what comes next. Music, I do it pretty much by myself or with one or two people so it’s very small. With films, it’s not about me; it’s about a character, the director’s vision and the script. I like that very much. It takes me away from myself. For now, I am playing all summer in Europe.
il lit des scenarios et verra bien oú cela mène. Il adore être acteur car cela lui change. pour le moment il jouera tout l'été en Europe